Why Blog?

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride   English Proverb

 “You have to blog, if you want to market your writing.”   I have been told this repeatedly.  I didn’t actually put my fingers in my ears and say “I can’t hear you, I can’t hear you.” the way my daughter used to do when she was eight but I sure was thinking it and I was NOT blogging,  Then I did what I always do when I’m stumped, I read a book. Actually, I read several books. My favorite was Blogging All-In-One for Dummies by Susan Gunelius. 

Blogging it turns out is just talking on steroids.  I am nothing if not a good talker. Some people will tell you that I have been talking non-stop since I was a toddler. My grandfather once paid me a dime to stop talking! Considered from that angle, blogging was no longer intimidating and became, well, as natural as talking.

 There are of course, rules and best practices to follow.  I went back and reread the March chapter of The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. This is a great book that I have read three times and given as a gift.  Gretchen tells you how she started her wildly successful blog.

My blog will be about my efforts to become what I have wanted to be since I was a girl─ a writer.  I am sure that I will also include my observations of what I see along the way. I hope you find it worth reading.

 What appeals to you about the blogs that you follow?